Monday, 30 April 2012

To all Twilight Haters

Justin Bieber - Girl on Girl

Gang Rape Logic

Who is dady now ?

Opportunity Call

Piercings, do i have enough yet?

Inspirational Views

Never pass out in a Party

Women's Logic

What School ?

mindfuck - when you see it

Silly little Ginger.

Multi tasking LOL

You Fail At Being Sexy...

I Don’t Think She Has A Boyfriend

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Epic Small Boobs

Facebook Girls Don't Whipe!

Would You Do This In A Public Toilet

DAMN! That Looks So Painful!

Shit Bricks,, ....Level 10000

When you see it ? I spy with my little eye a nutsack

Jail Bait .... Level = best friend's sister

When you see it ? Royal Job

When you see it , you will shit bricks ..... clue : cake

When you see it ,its on the board

When you see it,? Licking Time

Saturday, 28 April 2012

What Do These Two Hot Chicks Have In Common

Bitch, That's One Heck Of A Strange Tattoo!

Ladies, Take A Look At A REAL Man

I Think They are Twin

DUDE! Don't Ever Take Your Dad To A Club!

Can You Spot The Fail

Before You Even Click This Link, Im Gonna Call You Racist!

Eww That Is Disgusting Ladies Stop It!

when you actually see it

Trained Birds

Prison Break, level 1000


LOOK, what i found

Im Not Going Anywhere At The Moment

every body wants to save her

Billard, Generally played with a stick but....

Choices ....

It's not Rape

Modern Mona Lisa

4 Most Popular Ways Of Couple Kiss

babysitting my 5 year old cousin

How to Use Facebook for 15 Hours in a Day (Trick)